
"Awake amidst the choice-critters"
We have the power to choose - such a wonderful gift.Each act of choosing slices the whole universe into two "what-could-have-been's.
Try listening to your choices each day, and try using the bandwidth of your mind to explore each "could-have-been's".
You'll be amazed at how colorful the slices of universes are, that leads to the light at the very end.
Thousands of choices bombard us each day. Most of them flow through us unnoticed. Isnt it so good to be "awake" ? To be awake inwards
as to see these itsy-bitsy little "choice-critters" moving our "life" day by day ? Wouldnt it be fun to commandeer these "choice-critters" in a surprising way
that'll lead us to the light ? Its fun to be awake !